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Which is your Container Shipping Line of choice? – USLFO

Which is your Container Shipping Line of choice?


But this article got me thinking that, while these awards are given out by the Press and other Maritime bodies, who would YOU as the regular user of the various container shipping lines choose as your Container Shipping Line of choice..?? Particularly in terms of service.. In my opinion, your vote would be the more pertinent one that the shipping lines would value the most..

When shipping products internationally, many things need to be considered; procedures are far more complex than for local shipments. There are a lot of additional custom regulations that should be followed and a huge amount of paperwork that needs to be sorted out. Moreover, you also need to consider the shipment costs and time it will take for the shipment to reach different destinations.

Think as it wished to develop its presence on the German market, the Port of Montreal created a website in German, Verschiffung USA, where prospects could find all the necessary information. It was designed to help prospective clients make sure they had everything sorted out if they decide to ship a product to the US through Canada. The ten main things to remember when sending an overseas shipment are as follows:

Custom Regulations
The very first thing to consider when you are sending online shipments is the custom regulation. All products that are shipped internationally, regardless of the medium of shipment, will be required to clear customs. You will also be required to fill out the appropriate paperwork, usually two custom forms; one for the country where you reside and one for the country where the product is being shipped.

Custom Fees
When products are being shipped internationally, a fee is charged by the custom department. Depending on the value of the product and the country where it is being shipped to, this fee varies widely. You will have to pay more fees if your product is of high value. Therefore, it is necessary to check the custom fee rates of different countries before shipping your product.

Shipping Tariff
This includes the shipment fee that will be charged by the shipping company and any other additional freight taxes that are applicable on certain products. For this rate, you will have to check out several shipment companies and their tariff rates. Companies that provide shipment to particular countries such as Verschiffung USA are likely to have different prices as compared to companies that provide worldwide shipment.

Time of Transit
When shipping products internationally, it very important to determine the date you want them to be delivered and plan your shipment carefully. In international shipment, there are far more chances of your shipment getting delayed. For some countries, the option of overnight delivery may not be available at all. Also, depending on what you are sending, the custom clearance can take a long time as well, so prepare accordingly.

Depending on the country where your shipment is being sent, you will be required to handle the packaging accordingly. The goods should be carefully packed and labelled accurately. If you are unclear about what you have to do, you should consider hiring a shipment company that handles packaging as well.

Medium of Transportation
Another thing that needs to be considered is the medium of shipment that you want to use which mainly includes sea or air freight. Three things should be considered here; time, cost and product. Air freight is the fastest method but an expensive one. Sea freight on the other hand is quite affordable but take a lot more time. Also, sea shipment is often not considered appropriate for delicate items which cannot endure trips enclosed in cargo containers.


Restricted Items
A lot of items are restricted in some countries so you should consider this before you send your shipment. You need to check the restricted items list of both the countries; where you live and where the shipment is headed. If the item you are sending is on the list of any one of the countries, the custom personnel will likely restrict it for an indefinite period.

Shipment Rules of Perishables
If you are sending goods that are perishable, there are some definite rules in that case which you will be required to follow. The type and quantity of product allowed to be shipped varies depending on the country of shipment and your own country.

Shipment of Animals and Plants
If you are shipping animals and/or plants, there are several addition shipment forms that need to be filled out beforehand. Also, the shipping company you select will have to be more reliable and experienced in handling shipment of living creatures, taking good care of them throughout the journey.

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